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Alanna, Fox Chapel Area HS Class of 2017 | The Palace of Gold, Moundsville WV | Pittsburgh Senior Po

It has been a hot summer. This makes being a photographer quite challenging if you can't stand the heat. Most of my sessions are done outdoors on location, but it hasn't stopped me from getting out there and making beautiful photos with my seniors. This particular session was done at the Palace of Gold in Moundsville, WV. Alanna said she wanted flowers and I've been dying to have a photo shoot here, so we made it happen! Alanna, with her Mom and sister drove all the way out to the palace and we spent a fun afternoon taking in the beauty of the nature that surrounded us. Which also included a visit from some of the resident peacocks! Scroll down to see all the sights!

Pittsburgh senior portraits
Pittsburgh senior portraits
Pittsburgh senior portraits
Pittsburgh senior portraits
Pittsburgh senior portraits
Pittsburgh senior portraits
Pittsburgh senior portraits
​ ​Pittsburgh senior portraits
Pittsburgh senior portraits

Alanna is one of the 2017 senior models for Fleeting Glimpse. I have really enjoyed getting to know her since meeting her back in April. When she told me she wanted flowers I didn't think of this place right away. Then I remembered the last time I was here what an amazing rose garden they had in bloom! Unfortunately when we got here, we were a little disappointed. It wasn't quite as amazing this time around. It didn't even matter though because everywhere you look is stunning. Please check this place out if you ever get the chance. It's beautiful there!

Pittsburgh senior portraits
Pittsburgh senior portraits
Pittsburgh senior portraits
Pittsburgh senior portraits
Pittsburgh senior portraits
Pittsburgh senior portraits
Pittsburgh senior portraits

Alanna is a dancer. She has been since she was a little girl. She brought her point shoes along for some photos and I love that I got to capture just a couple shots of her in her element. The best part is, we had fun just exploring new things. Yea, I mean we took some awesome photos, but just being able to do it while experiencing new places is truly the best part. Alanna was open to my ideas and didn't mind getting a little dirty. She was laying in patches of ivy in a dress and not thinking twice about it! These are the kind of people I love to work with. Thanks to Alanna and her mom and sis for trekking out to the boonies and allowing me to capture images that are beautiful and true to the kind of people you are! Fun, easygoing, colorful and full of life!


Christine Grago | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania | 412.726.0865 |

Fleeting Glimpse Photography provides a fun and fresh approach to your senior portrait, family or lovebird session experience. Pittsburgh

Senior Portrait photographer, Pittsburgh Senior Portraits.

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