What you might want to know about me can be found in the wave of thoughts that crash into my mind. I think of God and family first with dreams of traveling the world with my camera and exploring other cultures. I get swept up in times gone by that I never even lived to experience. I feel a pull towards the antique and eclectic trinkets found only by searching the places others would not dare traverse. I like to take the road less traveled and relish in the beauty of the landscapes. My heart is full with love for my husband, our baby boy Silas Rayne, our dog Little Bit and my closest friends and family. When I'm not daydreaming or off taking photos, you can find me at home, hanging out with my husband Jon and my best friends, conjuring up ideas for our next adventure or driving around from town to town discovering new and interesting places. I enjoy meeting new people and learning their stories. It would please me so to get to know you and learn about your dreams. If you made it this far into my website we must have some things in common so lets meet and chat for a while over coffee. I love cappuccino's!